Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Ring Ring Ringa.........
that's a song from the "critically acclaimed" Slumdog Millionaire...
but what comes to my mind is the number of cellphones we Indians are using nowadays.....
I remember when I was in school, having a cellphone was one of the status symbols.......heck! even my dad din't have one ever!!....
...but within a couple years, what i see is that practically everyone...yeah EVERYONE is flaunting one...

This thought hit me the hardest at an eye-camp conducted by our Ophthalm. dept.....
that was conducted for patients who couldn't supposedly afford an eye surgery........now as far as i think it's not one of the costly ones......... and SEE (rather hear)......in that little gathering, from every corner.....now and then........a new tone...:).. (we'll talk about "mobile manners" some other time...)
.................so much for "Kar lo duniya mutthi mein"................

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shooting.star said...
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