Thursday, March 11, 2010

The World of Nature....

Forever i have wondered.... why I found animals more interesting than humans??.... !! that's definitely not some kind of perversion........

..... was watching the documentary "Earth" ....... a couple of days back..........and i realized .......... it is simply because People are so complex ... and animals are so straightforward............... no animal is bad, ... whatever they do, they do for a purpose, not on a whim........ all are great parents , and very-very selfish offspring........

and in this world, where just to survive in the wild -- yes, even for 'wild' animals -- takes all one's effort, it's rare to see hearts that pure, and free from malice...............
.........there are no shades of grey in the animal world.........and if there are, only a few..........

.......i think i am going to be very upset at the next person who says "animals are dangerous because they are unpredictable"......... because in fact, it's the complex a.k.a "sophisticated" humans that are so.......